
the town with no monkeys

Faith is more a matter of a courageous heart than that of intellect.

Leslie Booker

Kiyo Murikami

Late spring and the windows are all open 

to invite the world inside 

and the world answers yes 

with a breeze that smells of jasmine and rosemary 

as my yard blooms under a perfectly blue sky


Walking the trail between 

the mountains and the cities 

is  a fine path for a true human being 

the way between the light and the darkness 

you can see crows and owls and lizards 

skyscrapers and bridges

trucks laden with nothing important that drive

from nowhere that matters 

to a place without a name

look for the rivers 

look for the desert

learn the names of the plants 

sunrise and moonrise 

and the stars across the sky

this trail 

this path 

it goes on for one lifetime

you can stop where you want

or turn aside

and you can choose to walk to the end

but whatever you decide to do

keep your heart wide open

so the love can flow in and out


Outside past midnight 

watching the trees in moonlight

I wonder what this town would be like 

if we had monkeys

James Lee Jobe

Shirin Neshat

Link: making life on a palette, a poem by Raina J. León

The product of your art is a snapshot of the state
of your mind in the moments of creation.

Cristina Moon

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