
the space between 2 seconds

Existence is a series of footnotes to a vast, obscure, unfinished masterpiece. 

Vladimir Nabokov

Marko Köppe

we exist in the space 

between two seconds

between darkness and light

the second before 

and the second yet to be

are of no consequence 

we are everything

and everything is us

breathe in 

open yourself 

to the beautiful emptiness


If you can, hide me.
Cut a door into the gray sky and lock me behind it.
Raise up the edge of the river and let me slip under
while no one is watching.
Hide me in trees, hide me in seas.
I will shave off this beard and change my name,
I will purchase a hat that hides my eyes and shadows my face
and sends a subconscious message to people on the street
to move away from me.
I want silence and solitude.
I want secrecy.
I am dangerous, I am ridiculous, I am nothing.

a cold night 

I shiver as I write down 

the names of the gods I deny 

and then erase them all 

the page is again blank 

memories watch me 

or so it seems 

I rise from the hard straight chair 

and wrap a blanket around myself 



and pick up the pencil 

to begin again 

this could take a long time 

from behind a memory holds me 

in her whispery arms

James Lee Jobe

LINK: a poem by Jalal Al-Din Rumi, “Where did the handsome beloved go?”

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