
the bullet-gray sky had turned blue

The most valuable possession you can own is an open heart. The most powerful weapon you can be is an instrument of peace. 

 Carlos Santana

Hadrani Hasan

I woke from a nap 

the bullet-gray sky had turned blue 

and pulled at my hair 

walking on the earth 

was like being born again  and then I was born again


a winter wind 

harsh and bitter 

bites my face 

and above me 

the starlight reaches 

from the milky way  to california


the violent 

the cruel 

and the ignorant 

call out for war with iran 

they are caught up in their samsara 

like a fallen leaf caught in a whirlpool 

a gray and cold morning in may 

more like winter than spring 

and I am sipping coffee 

thinking of peace 

and saying a prayer 

for those who seek war 

James Lee Jobe

time passes.
The only life I have
submits to its power.

Hatsui Shizue

Howlin' Wolf - I Ain't Superstitious

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