
in the eyes of the Buddha

Robert Rauschenberg


Tree branches flailing in the wind. 

Crows loudly claiming territory. 

The river when it’s in a hurry. 

The sky thundering about a coming storm. 

The earth when she shakes and rolls. 

Leather shoes dancing over a hardwood floor. 

The automobile horn under an angry hand. 

The chattering squirrel. 

The orca lowing in the deep. 

Things and beings speak. 

Ssh. Listen.

james lee jobe 

The teacher I need is always the one in front of me.

Byron Katie

Something rises out of the east, a new day, like an idea being formed, like a child being born. Light in the sky. Life on the earth. Breathe and it begins.

james lee jobe 

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As Dogen says, people like what is not true and they don't like what is true.  

Shunryu Suzuki

The universe is grand, endless and timeless, 

yet all of it exists in one molecule of liquid, 

the tiniest part of a tear in the corner of your eye. 

james lee jobe 

The world is experienced according to the state of one's mind. Remember that everyone appears as Buddhas in the eyes of the Buddha! 

Haemin Sunim

Rain against the window with a tapping sound. My wife laughing, alone in another room. A sadness for the grief across the face of the world. Things that tell me I am still alive.

james lee jobe 

One ought, every day at least, to hear a little song, read a good poem,  see a fine picture and, if possible, speak a few reasonable words.

 Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

I grieve alone before dawn, when my valley is still quietly resting beneath the blanket of darkness. I stare into the last fold of night until the face of my late son becomes clear, and then I listen until I can hear his voice again, And then I allow myself to break down, to fall apart. For a long time I counted the days since his death. Now I count the years. 

james lee jobe 

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