
3 poems - a fine day indeed

Christian Schloe

i have a large cardboard box 

and inside this box is the maker of all the fields 

and also in there is the maker of the the maker 

and the maker of that maker 

and so on a million times over 

also in this box is a lot of nothing 

A lot of emptiness

life is grand isn’t it 

like a birthday party 


a wind from the north 

stout and warm 

does the same thing to hair 

that it does to the treetops 

the sky touches my head 

and the earth touches my feet 

and here i am 

a human being alive in this world 

a fine day indeed


a small city surrounded by farmland  

we could meet on those fertile fields if you like  

at midnight under the moon   

at noon under the sun   

you wear your mask and i’ll wear mine   

see how evenly the rows have been plowed  

see how the deep sky covers all  

friends standing together on the rich earth  

james lee jobe

My life and yours are the unfolding realization of total aloneness and total intimacy. The self is completely autonomous yet exists only in resonance with all other selves.

Robert Aitken 

The real miracle is not to fly or walk on fire. The real miracle is to walk on the Earth, and you can perform that miracle at any time. Just bring your mind home to your body, become alive, and perform the miracle of walking on Earth.

Thich Nhat Hanh

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