
you'll need this when you grow up

“Poetry is life distilled.”

Gwendolyn Brooks

Toos van Holstein

flatlands of lovely sunrises and sunsets 
rich soil farmland 
300 miles long 
100 miles wide 
drained by 2 massive rivers  
the sacramento and the san joaquin 
and many smaller ones 
the rivers wash us clean 
and distance helps define us and time both 
california’s great central valley 
my home for over 35 years

hope is that small and quiet person 
who knocks at the door very lightly 
will you listen for the knock 
will you let hope in

I counted and numbered the blades of grass
across all of the fields of springtime

I inventoried the stars and divided the number
by thirteen for poetic reasons

I found out how many telephone poles there are
in yuba county california it wasn't so difficult

why did I do these things
for all the mathematics teachers I had as a boy

who lied and said "you'll need this when you grow up"
what horseshit

I tallied the sunrises since I was born,
nearly 25 thousand

I counted the lovers that I can remember
even though none of them matter but you

James Lee Jobe

Wes Montgomery - Here's That Rainy Day
London, 1965

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