
the children of gaza

"I am only one but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something. And because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."

Edward Everett Hale

by Sol Halabi

I am waiting for the dogs to tell their own stories. We could hire a translator to help out. I am waiting for the rifles to get tired of killing and request a song or two, for the bullets to give up and go home. Who are these people that draw lines across the world? This side of the line is mine, they say. don't cross. Then they polish their nickels and dimes and stack them in the sunlight. I am waiting for the dogs to tell their own stories, and the cats, and the crows. You're never too old to learn something. People think they know  so damn much. What do people know? Nothing. Nothing at all. 


The children of The Gaza Strip, eaten. Their bodies are torn and destroyed and now their souls slip through the veil that separates Here from There. They must drink from the invisible cup while their parents are numbed with horror and a sorrow that comes only from blood. The children of The Gaza Strip, eaten by the machine that is fueled by death, are now through with earthly laughter. Lifted up on the backs of angels, these children have returned to The One. And the rest of us are left behind to pray and wonder at the unbelievable violence that fills the streets and our hearts, and darkens our days and our dreams. We are the ones left behind to struggle and pray for peace. Let there be peace, Insha'Allah. 

James Lee Jobe

"When you begin to see that your enemy is suffering, that is the beginning of insight." 

Thich Nhat Hanh

In Zen, ensō (円相 , "circle") is a circle that is hand-drawn
in one or two uninhibited brushstrokes to express a moment
when the mind is free to let the body create.


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Thanks, James 

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