
that cloud - it looks like a flower

"Work out your own salvation. Do not depend on others." 


The Sacramento Valley 

has entered me 

as I have entered it, 

we are one. 

Expanse of blue sky, 

wind and sunlight, 

fertile soil and me. 

Also owls, hawks, 

raccoons, and coyotes. 

We share this space 

between us. 

This vast emptiness 

contains me 

just as I contain 



James Lee Jobe

"The only cats that are worth anything are the cats that take chances."

Thelonious Monk

I see I have arrived a little late
for the end of my life.
I have been in no hurry, and it’s true
that I get distracted quite easily.
An owl hoots and I might listen
for a couple of years.
And that cloud - it looks like a flower,
No, it looks like Liza Minnelli.
The dinner last night took me
several months to prepare.
Just slow down everyone,
What’s the hurry? Let Death wait a bit.
Why miss out on all the wonder?
James Lee Jobe

A man on a bicycle 


down the street 


Two doves 

make sweet sounds 

as they eat the birdseed 

that I leave for them. 

Today a blue jay 

also dined here. 

“Welcome, friend."

The air is warmed 

by the love of summer, 

and I so love the world, 

right here 

where I am. 

James Lee Jobe

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through the Buy Me A Coffee link below. Thanks, James

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