
a laugh on the way out

If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things, this is the best season of your life. 

Yunmen Wenyan

Andreja Hojnik Fišić

Is the universe endless 

why sure

and I am the universe

and the universe is me 

(just like you)

I am endless 

but I am also impermanent

how can that be 

I don’t know

(and it doesn’t matter anyway)

when I die I will go on and on

and yet there will be nothing

(just like you)

I hope there is time for a good laugh

on the way out


A finch is resting 

on the park bench 

where I like to meditate 

she flies off as I approach 

even though I tell her 

that there is plenty of room 

for us both


A windy wet day

is that my son I see 

through an opening

in a stand of pines

years have passed

since his funeral

James Lee Jobe 

Pavel Filonov - The Dray Men

Swans rise and fly toward the sun. What magic! So do the pure conquer the armies of illusion and rise and fly.


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