
the sky watches over everything

Leave words behind
Leave James behind
Embrace the breath
Embrace the no-thingness.
Zazen, the zen sitting
Breathing with the entire body
And also without the body at all
How marvelous is the emptiness 

The vast nothing 

James Lee Jobe

It's A Sin To Be Rich, It's A Low-Down Shame To Be Poor

If you wonder what Buddhism has to offer you, the answer is: nothing.

Trinlay Tulku Rinpoche

The trees are here, in part, to watch over things, to watch over us. In turn, the mountains watch over the trees, and the sky watches over everything. Is it true? I don’t really know, of course, but I can tell you this; it is a thought that comforts me.

James Lee Jobe

 Judith Secco, "Artichokes With Flower"

For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream. 

Vincent van Gogh

Two days of rain, then a break - two days of clear skies, cool air. No moon yet as I venture out and ride the bus downtown to hear William O’Daly read his fine poems and translations. I stop for a coffee and scribble in my notebook for an hour. It is a pleasant life to be a poet in this Northern California valley.

James Lee Jobe

Feelings are often born from the matrix of conditions beyond your control. Let them just pass through, like a cloud in the sky.

Haemin Sunim

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