
roll away the stone

Every speck of dirt on the planet
To be touched by the ocean
Or a river, a lake, a creek
Also welcome are raindrops
And morning dew
Every speck of dirt has an open
Mouth and a dream of being wet
Water, soil, air, sunshine
And so the world goes
And so do we

James Lee Jobe

There is a place to stand where you can see so many lights you forget you are one of them.

Naomi Shihab Nye

In the town where I live
There are eight other men
Whose first two names are
James Lee
Nine James Lees
All with different last names
We meet now and then
For coffee and pie
And we all kind of look alike
…. You know, my father
Was another James Lee
I knew he ‘got around’
But wow

James Lee Jobe

LEON RUSSELL - Roll Away The Stone 

A December afternoon in California’s Big Valley
I have an old Leon Russell album
Turned up loud
Maybe too loud
As the dog has wandered off
Into a different room
That’s ok
My wife is not home so I can rock out
Outside, there’s leaves I need to rake
Also, the bathroom could stand a scrubbing
There is likely a lot more to do
If I were to look around
Leon sings, “Roll away the stone
Don’t leave me here all alone”

I begin to tap my feet
And play drums on the dining room table

James Lee Jobe

We’re all just pimples on the face of the Absolute.

Brad Warner 

How's things? OK, I hope, and it is OK here at Stately Jobe Manor. I hope you will consider supporting this blog with a small donation, buying me a coffee through the (safe!) link below. It is appreciated.

Also, the fowl photos here are my own.

Thanks, James 

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