
the light that shines on your body

Xiaoyang Galas

We are fascinated by the words, 

but where we meet is in the silence behind them.

Ram Dass

This is where it all ends 

the road just doesn't go any farther 

if you want to keep going 

you must leave this wastrel planet 

and travel through space 

to the moon and the other planets 

stay here or go on 

neither is the best choice 

and neither is the worst 

i have been standing here thinking about it 

for an entire lifetime 


Breath on breath 

sweat on flesh  

hands in caress  

your eyes in full moan 

a time of shiver   

a time of shudder  

the light that shines on your body 

to measure this moment  



sweet death of ecstatic bliss   

the love you own in the river of being human  

this blessing  

this gift  

the music of skin on skin  

your fingertips  

a night that is your own      

your magic  

one slow and perfect second at a time 


You can say god or allah or jehovah 


white buffalo woman 

i don't care 

you can say that you answer only 

to your own conscience 

and that's fine too 

you can pray for guidance 

or just trust your own heart 

i am still your brother 

we are both flesh and plasma 

and something else 

something inside that can be kind 

draw me a map to where you are 

and I will draw you a map to me 

and then let us move toward each other 

each on our own journey 

a journey that was envisioned by the other one 

and wherever we meet i will hold you in my arms 

like your brother 

james lee jobe 

Rashid Johnson 

In trading the pleasures of an ordinary life for a meditative life, 

you're trading candy for gold.

Thanissaro Bhikkhu


Chimeras, a poem by Brian Sneeden

When it Really is Just the Wind, and Not a Furious Vexation, a poem by Kyle Tran Myhre

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