
up was down but down wasn’t up

Love by the way you walk,
the way you sit, the way you eat.
This world very much needs love.

Thich Nhat Hanh

Walk Along the Banks of the Seine Near Asnieres
1887 by Vincent van Gogh


i fell asleep in the chair and dreamed
that i went to bed and had a nightmare
so i was dreaming in a dream
and sleeping in my sleep
in the nightmare
which is in the second sleep
i was struggling to find the correct mask
to wear to court
so as to hide my identity
but in my actual sleep
the first sleep
i was quite comfortable
the dream inside the dream changed
dream james ate some mushrooms
so maybe it wasn’t a nightmare at all
maybe all those psychedelics were really good for me
which is  a viewpoint some would contest
but hey
i’m not card cheat or a carjacker or anything
and check it out i have cool dreams

-james lee jobe 

I am too pure for you or anyone. 

-Sylvia Plath

artist unknown


today is the last day of my long birth
today the sun rose in the west and set in the east
the moon became two moons
each one exactly half the size of the original
bats flew in the sunlight
and up was down but down wasn’t up
there was no up
there were two moons and two downs
one does not go up
and of course the moon is up  
now sunset has moved into night
and there is a wind that sounds like miles davis
on kind of blue
beautiful and strong
today is the last day of my long birth
finally i am among you
i am 67 years old

-james lee jobe 

The universe and I are of the same root. 
The myriad things and I are one body. 
That is zazen.

-Kodo Sawaki Roshi

The stripes of a long summer sunset. The creakings of night. 
The feel of clean sheets and familiar pillows. Quiet at last.

-james lee jobe


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Thanks, james 

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