
tickle me awake

by David Zinn, in chalk

as trees grow 

they make room 

for each other 

it is a natural 


-and people- 

some leave room for others 

some don’t 


how will you choose 

to grow 

- james lee jobe

"Poetry is the lifeblood of rebellion, revolution, and the raising of consciousness." 

- Alice Walker

i confess 

i can easily lose myself 

in the distant shimmers of heat 

that rise from the flat earth 

a dust mite afternoon 

in the california summer

-james lee jobe

"Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."

- Groucho Marx

Marie Abagnale

love your life 

the way a coat of paint 

loves a wall 

hold on tight and add 

a little color 

or try to

-james lee jobe

First Grade
-by William Stafford
In the play Amy didn't want to be
anybody; so she managed the curtain.
Sharon wanted to be Amy. But Sam
wouldn't let anybody be anybody else--
he said it was wrong. "all right," Steve said,
"I'll be me, but I don't like it."
So Amy was Amy, and we didn't have the play.
And Sharon cried.

the morning begins 

with a cool morning breeze 

that slips through my open window 

as if to tickle me awake 

and so it does 

one tickle at a time

-james lee jobe

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