
insha'allah indeed

You may say, "I must do something this afternoon," but actually there is no "this afternoon." We do things one after the other. That is all. 

Shunryu Suzuki

Alex Kanevsky

she is the water that i splash on my face 

blank empty faces on the people in the street. 

life in black and white with the color drained out 

like an old movie where people use the words 

'dame' and 'gams' 

signs that say 'no parking' in a place 

where there is no reason to stop anyway 

a slow moving dog that doesn't give a damn 

about what you think 

the watch that sits in a drawer 

because you no longer care what the time is 

the very top of the door frame 

how does it get dirty up there 

that sinking feeling you get when you see the people 

who are homeless 

starving and dirty 

and you wonder how you can change that 

although you know that you can't 

‘i have her’ i think 

and i splash the water another time 

and then another


have pity for those who feel greed more than love 

a shallow life followed by a shallow grave 

mice, beating their tin cups on the bars of their cells 


a tiny frightened excuse of a soul shriveled by time and darkness 

whining like a hungry dog in the alley 

the scars of hate and dollars across the flesh of the entire world 

the child with no food no roof and no hope 

who is crushed under the excellent boots of the americans 

counting the weight of gold before counting friends 

"again i say to you, it is easier for a camel to go through 

the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of god" 

insha'allah indeed

                                      james lee jobe 

Humans are like mirrors. The compassionate gaze of the wounded soul is more beautiful than the naive smile of the inexperienced youth.

Haemin Sunim

Alex Kanevsky

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Thanks! -jlj

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