
as far as the eye can see


marcel duchamp

every minute of every hour of every day you are making the world, just as you are making yourself, and you might as well do it with generosity and kindness and style.

-rebecca solnit


we have our tools 

our language and rituals 

we have art 

our creations 

we know love 

and yet for all that 

the universe will go on 

long after we are gone 

friend don’t waste your life 

love someone 

sing sometimes 


mind always goes ahead or lags behind. 

remain with the moment.


was I a good man 

did I lift the fruit up to heaven 

like a treasure to be offered 

did i do more good than harm

am i forgiven for that harm i did cause

shall i forgive myself

was i a decent man 

did i connect the earth to the sky 

with the length of my body 

and leave only footprints 

that fade with the rains

did I nourish 




did i learn how to truly receive 

was i a righteous man 


and at the end i can face myself 

without shame


be kind whenever possible. 

it is always possible.

-dalai lama 14

no one to be seen 

and no one to see me 

this valley farmland goes on and on 


the sun at noon 

crops growing in the warm light 

as far as the eye can see


vicki chrisman 

a perfectly clear state of a mind firmly established in great faith is in no way different from the clarity of the buddhanature in someone who has cast aside all discrimination and achieved self-awakening. the buddhanature itself is buddha.

yamada mumon roshi

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