
the truth in the light

“The very idea of higher states of consciousness is absurd. Comparing one state of consciousness to another and saying one is "higher" and the other is "mundane" is like eating a banana and complaining it's not a very good apple.”

Brad Warner, Hardcore Zen: Punk Rock, Monster Movies and the Truth about Reality

Kylie Woon

the sound of the wind 

the sound of tree branches 

rubbing together 

the sound of dried leaves 

blowing across the ground 

listen harder 

from somewhere nearby is the sound 

of one bird singing 

sweet and tiny moments rest 

in the quiet corners of being alive


stories and light can show our truth   

but not always all of the truth  

details omitted from a story   

can hide the harder facts   

and where there’s light there’s shadow  


what is your story  

how much of your truth is in the light  

and how much of mine 


America is now a map of lies, a map of bigotry. Perhaps it always was, and I just didn’t see it. It is easier to buy a gun than it is to find a safe place to live. If you hate the right people, the bulk of the population will love you; your hatred will be admirable, like an achievement. If you hate the right people, the brown ones, the map of lies will unfold at your feet. At last you will have a place to go where hate is love, where servitude is equality. The collective hatred and bigotry will take on the shape of a hot air balloon to lift the true believers up to their make-believe heaven.

James Lee Jobe

Kylie Woon

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Thanks, James 

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