
the wild dance of the trees

"I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.” 

Mark Twain

The wind is so strong today 

that there is no morning fog 

so strong in fact 

that the trees are doing a wild dance 

waving their many arms and fingers 

at the sky 

every now and then 

a piece of one breaks 

and tries to fly


I have lost my taste for politics
by politics of course I mean propaganda
it is silence that feeds me now
and I have lost any desire for reward or applause
by lost of course I mean that I tossed it away
is my blessing now
what I believe in is stronger 
than that which I disbelieve
and what I disbelieve is a long list
no gods
no heaven
no hell
no afterlife
no astrology
no destiny
no fate
I don’t even believe in luck
good or bad
there are the choices I make 
and the actions that I take
there is coincidence 
the random things
and there is suffering
all of life is suffering
we all die 
the earth itself 
the solar system
and on that cheery note
I wish you a fine day
but fine


the music of a lone dove
the music of crickets
no other sounds at all
just a Delta breeze
to cool off the big valley

James Lee Jobe

Taylor Marie McCormick - White Sky

The ultimate standpoint of Zen is that… the peace we are seeking so eagerly has been there all the time.

D.T. Suzuki

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