
a scent of jasmine

"Tear off the mask, your face is glorious."


Ana Mutavdzic


Add these things to a mixing 

bowl; a scoopful of blue sky, a sprinkle 

of hope, a dash of a dream 

from years ago. Now add two cups 

of a big smile from someone you love. 

Mix well and serve with panache. 

Enjoy life. 

James Lee Jobe

"The things that matter most in our lives are not fantastic or grand. They are the moments when we are there in the most attentive, caring way. As Mother Teresa said, 'In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love.'"

Jack Kornfield

An old man in his backyard.

The Japanese Maple tree lights up a reddish purple under the spotlight of the midday California sun. Standing in my backyard under an opera of birdsong while my doggo sniffs the weeds for traces of the neighbor’s cat. A scent of jasmine blesses the breeze with delight. I have lived the biggest part of my life in the Sacramento Valley, and that’s what blesses me with delight. My home.

James Lee Jobe 

"Don't forget to go through life with a smile on your face. Be easy, kind, and fair to others and life will treat you well. No matter what happens, do your best not to let yourself be bothered by those that surround themselves with negative energy."

William Lee Jobe

Patterns and cycles.

Respect for light

its warmth and its gift of sight

respect for the earth

its patterns and cycles

our home

respect for flora and fauna

that which exists along with us

respect for family and community

the people around us

their love

respect for breath

the food of life

respect for our lives

however impermanent 

James Lee Jobe

The Band, Chest Fever

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