
the world will keep turning

It's spring and baseball is back.

A wet winter followed by a warm spring.
chancing a rare peek outside
I see that baby oak trees are sticking up
all over the yard. Dozens of them.
My wife says to go out and pull them all up,
but I don't think so. I see an opportunity here.
I could grow my own suburban forest
while watching baseball on TV.
A hermit who always knows the score.


        My secret friend, remember this; do not give in to despair. Not ever. The world will keep turning. Death, yes, but also new life, children born with no hate in their hearts. Death and birth are the walls of a life. Seeds will still germinate and grow into plants, crops, and trees. and flowers. I promise you more flowers will bloom, another breeze will stir. A blue sky. A blue ocean. A green earth. Waiting for you, waiting for us all.


June. Flies and mosquitoes.

The onset of summer is much like that gleam
in my father's eye when he reels in a trout for the fry pan,
or in my son's eye as the bacon and biscuits are ready.
June. Flies and mosquitoes. Trout and bacon.
A hot evening with dinner on the table,
With bacon for me
and both of them are gone, gone.

James Lee Jobe

Earl Klugh, Wishful Thinking

"Here we are, trapped in the amber of the moment. There is no why."

Kurt Vonnegut Jr

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