
The drummer from Toad the Wet Sprocket.

            A great battle had just ended, perhaps it was in Basra. Perhaps it was in Fallujah or up in the mountains in Afghanistan. Syria. Somalia. Libya. Many lay dead, soldiers from one side, soldiers from the other side, civilians. Children were dead. Also dead was hope. Also dead were any dreams. The dust in the air seemed dead. From nearby came a long drum roll, and the dead rose up, as best they could; some were missing their legs, others were missing their heads. The dead rose up and raised their eyes, if they still had eyes, to the dark night sky. And one by one they called out for God. But God didn't come that night. No, not then. 

James Lee Jobe

Do not fear mistakes. There are none.

Miles Davis

            That I might peel away the layers of nonsense I have built around myself that hide who I am. That I might know myself before the time of knowing comes to an end, and that I might use that knowledge, such as it is, in a positive manner. This I pray.

James Lee Jobe

            It’s hard to listen without judgment, to tolerate ambiguity, paradox, and, in some cases, ignorance. But if we are ever to experience any measure of true peace, this is something we will all need to learn.

Tina Lear, “Having Real Conversations (Even With My Sister)”

            A decent dream. The drummer from Toad the Wet Sprocket gave a list of his favorite albums. Bob Dylan and Neil Young said it was a pretty good list. Lucy Liu wouldn't step on any lines or cracks and leaped over a big piece of old carpet, and Meredith Viera made up a little song about that, which gave me the giggles. Lucy gave me two cigarettes and hinted that she would like to see me later. I thought, "I must smoke in this dream." And then woke up.

James Lee Jobe

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