
Eating the rotten flesh of the earth

Pico Verde Jobe, or Pico for short.
My trusty conure.

If eyes had hands
Would sight include touch

If hands had eyes
Would touch include sight

O what a foolish man I am

There is so much to write down
And I have barely started

James Lee Jobe

"You are on earth. There is no cure for that." 

Samuel Beckett

Eating the rotten flesh of the earth

Maggots on the walls
On the ceiling and on

Don’t let them get to your eyes
(did I scream that or just think it)

But it’s far too late

Your eyes
My eyes

The rotten flesh of the earth

All gone
All gone

James Lee Jobe

STEPHEN STILLS - So Begins The Task

is always a nice touch
to add to a life.

Isn't it interesting
you can only achieve it
on your own? No one
can give it to you.

Well, that's all for now,
it's time to get busy here.

James Lee Jobe

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May patience be our blessing. -JLJ 

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