
Your life is heavier than air.

train station    davis ca    photo-jlj 


reaching for your notebook you write out a list of your sins
in between sins you look out of the train window
you are racing through northern california at night
rolling golden hills under bright moonlight
headlights in the distance
sins done you also write out some vows
your breath is slow and even
the train pulls into a station and people are standing
struggling with the suitcases stored in overhead bins
your vows
be kind
be decent
do harm to no one
tell the truth
help when you can
do your best in all things
don't make assumptions
not ever
and finally
take nothing personally
the list seems right
you forgive yourself for your sins because you have to
the guilt is gone maybe forever
people are leaving the train
and you see your own face reflected in the window glass
"I will be decent"
you think that
or did you say it out loud
a man in the aisle is watching you
you ask him "what town is this"
"martinez" he says "we're in martinez california"
you repeat it
and he smiles
and then so do you
--james lee jobe 

some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts
--jim morrison 

I see a lot of 5am
nearly every one of them in fact
it's a good time to meditate 
and I do but also 5am is a fine time 
for strong coffee and deep thought
or simple thought
as often as not a poem will come 
and join me 
and then later 
after the sunrise 
the rest of life can join me 
but not before that 
life between 5am and sunrise 
belongs to me alone 
never you mind
--james lee jobe 

there's no money in poetry but then there's no poetry in money either
--robert graves

may your breath be easy
may your heart be light
may you be filled with loving kindness
may you be safe from inner and outer dangers
may you be well in body and mind
may you be at ease and happy
--adapted by james lee jobe 

a pledge of allegiance

I pledge my body 
speech and mind
to the freedom of all beings
for which we stand
one life 
with liberty 
and compassion for all
--peter levitt

granddaughter    photo-jlj

The air itself seems heavy. Suffocating. The simple act of breathing is as hard as understanding your life. Outside, the fading lights of a passing car give way to starlight. Light and dark, breathing and suffocation. Your life is heavier than air. There's the sound of footsteps, but you can't tell if they are coming or going.
--james lee jobe

autumn begins

autumn begins unnoticed
nights slowly grow longer
and little by little
clear winds turn much colder
summer's heat gives way
my thatch hut grows still
and at the bottom stair
in bunchgrass
the lit dew shimmers
--meng hao-jan   (689-740 CE)

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every little bit helps 
thanks, jlj 

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