
prayers from the godless

by Robert Farkas 


"why does an atheist pray"

it feels good to pray 

so I pray to the universe 

which actually does exist 

and I am a part of it 

I pray to say thank you 

for this life 

and I pray for friends in need 

and for people suffering anywhere 

I don't need a god to be a decent man 

it is a beautiful morning 

here in sunny and cool california 

my doggo and I enjoyed our walk 

so thank you universe for today 

and if it is my last day 

then it has been marvelous


whose life has not been touched 

by bird-pecked fingers

and how can one deduce any answers 

without knowing what questions to ask 

life is a short quick ride 

bird-pecked or not 

push the fingers away 

only you get to decide 

what fingers may or may not 

touch you 


sometimes there are times 

when you think you have time 

but time isn't something 

that you get to have 

if you think you have time 

that's a good time to take time 

to think nothing at all 

just be with yourself 

james lee jobe 

grandkid nappin' - by jlj


What we call "I" is just a swinging door
which moves when we inhale and exhale.

Shunryu Suzuki


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