Vision of the night: toads plunge from silver waters. -Georg Trakl
can you hear croaking amid the whispers of midnight it's the splashing against the wings of finer things those beings and creatures that some people deny this noise is axe-heavy with the taste of iron
and the fear of death this sound haunted the puritans and the jacobites and felt rough against the skin
but soft against the mind who will now wade in the silver waters who will take the plunge and croak with the toads you and I
that's who begin slowly and then pick up the pace
along the muddy riverbank the fear of death
is nothing more than the fear of life the taste of iron
the croaking
the whispers and the touch of wings
these things await I'm ready when you are
james lee jobe
"The Buddha's teachings on love are clear. It is possible to live 24 hours a day in a state of love."
Thích Nhất Hạnh
I am dreaming that George Clooney leaves the hoof prints of a horse as he walks. He sings to a pretty French girl, and then he actually becomes a horse. A handsome horse. I form a commune with several former co-workers and the sky becomes a mirror to reflect all life on earth. It’s complicated, this dream, and I can't remember a lot of things. There were long passages written and spoken in Farsi. People with shovel-heads dug long trenches. I sang them the Clooney song, and yelled to the great mirror in the sky, "This is a dream! I am the reflection of you!"
james lee jobe
"To let go does not mean to get rid of. To let go means to let be. When we let be with compassion, things come and go on their own."
Jack Kornfield
I am lost in the ugliness of humanity again
the richer humans are eating the flesh
of the poorer ones
the weak ones
the rich peel the poor like bananas
they suck the bones clean and then purr
like contented cats.
cruel yes and that is no coincidence.
everything cruel is on a compact disc
so the government can watch on a computer
all of our names are written down somewhere
not somewhere nice
this is repugnant to me
the ugliness of humanity is now a map for the hideous
they trace their favorite roads from a map
with a pencil that they stole from a blind man
I have no map and so I am lost most of the time
That's alright though I prefer it that way
I have nowhere special to be
james lee jobe
"I think we are in the midst of this period where we are committing this suicide on the planet and everybody is just using up all of our natural resources like a bunch of insane people. That's what I worry about more than I worry about jazz."
Sonny Rollins
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