It’s clear that the saucers aren't coming To take us away after all. Let’s all let go Of the old humiliations and move on. Yes, the father was a raging alcoholic And he never really loved the mother. And yes, the child was wounded and scarred At birth; this was intentional. We are all Perched on poles waiting for the crows To come and peck at our flesh. It’s a tough job, And it doesn't pay well, but there is one perk; Pity and denial don't work anymore, so Now we all get to feel again. For many Of us, it is for the very first time.
-james lee jobe
No thought,
no reflection,
no analysis,
no cultivation,
no intention;
let it settle itself.
The needle and the thread. The left and the right. Something that is and something else that is not. Up and down. Within and without. Which light is for you? How much weight can you bear? Don't speak now, save your answer for when the fog covers the river and the valley. Tell your tale; the balance of your life aligns with this watershed of place, this home that you have claimed. Look, on the low horizon, below the clouds; that is Venus. Walk towards that minuscule dot of light. Thread your needle, and do not look left or right. Take with you that which is, and leave behind you that which is not. The only weight you have to bear is your own life.
-james lee jobe
Things are not what they appear to be:
nor are they otherwise.
-Surangama Sutra
What day is today? The summer heat
Binds me down like heavy rope.
Above this, the sky is a cooler blue,
And below, the earth is baked hard.
Through this, our love moves,
Traveling back and forth as always.
My lips on your neck taste the sweat.
-james lee jobe
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