
the permission of the coyotes

robin black

it took over an hour to climb up 

the zig-zag trail to the ridgetop 

where a boulder overlooks lake berryessa

and I climbed up sometimes for the view  

that day a rattlesnake owned the boulder  

he shook his rattle at me as if to say 

“not today mister” 

I gave him a deep bow gassho 

to thank him for his warning 

I have always appreciated 

the good manners of rattlesnakes 

offering me a chance to leave 

and that I did 

james lee jobe

LINK: THIS IS THE HONEY, a poem by Mahogany L. Browne

Metta, or lovingkindness, is first practiced toward oneself, since we often have difficulty loving others without first loving ourselves. Sitting quietly, mentally repeat, slowly and steadily, the following or similar phrases: May I be happy. May I be well. May I be safe. May I be peaceful and at ease.

Barry Magid

loui jover

the sun travels west and the shadows lengthen 

and stretch back to the east 

the sky at times is dressed by the wind 

other times it is naked and still 

and what of my mother’s son 

at times he is a fool other times a dreamer 

and sometimes both at once 

late afternoon my hands held up high 

in the wind giving praise to the sky 

my shadow reaches out to the east

yet the west is my home 

james lee jobe

What is poetry which does not save nations or people?

Czeslaw Milosz

lisa hanawalt

I walk
flat feet across this flat valley
coyotes and owls for my audience
as I write these poems in my head
step after step   line after line
years of living give me the words
sun light shows me the way to go
and sometimes moonlight
I have the secret permission
of the coyotes and the owls

james lee jobe 

Link: WALLS, a poem by C.P. Cavafy

erica hopper


May I find a way to heal that which needs healing—
In myself, in others, and in the world.
May I find the courage, wisdom, and kindness to do this.

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