
ready to fly away

pablo picasso - guitar & bottle

May I always do my part to keep the light shining, even though I may never understand what the light is. May I be a help and an asset to those around me.

james lee jobe 


lonely bones can't sleep nights
the singing insects keep calling them
calling them
and the old have no tears when they sob
autumn weeps dewdrops
strength failing all at once
as if cut loose with ravages everywhere
like weaving unraveled
I touch thread-ends
no new feelings
memories crowding thickening sorrow
how could I bear southbound sails
to wander rivers and mountains of the past


pablo picasso -- violon accroche au mur

the last night in this world

when the sun comes up again I won't be with you

don't look for me in the world     look for me

where the world is not    in your thoughts    in your breath

look for me in your dreams    in those paintings

made of memory     it doesn't matter you know 

this isn't even close to being all that there is 

when the sun comes up again I won't be with you

the door is open and I intend to walk through

the window was left up and I am ready now

to fly away    the ocean is calm    warm     and the time

is ripe to wade out then swim into the deep water

far past the buoys    out where the water is dark

when the sun comes up again I won't be with you

I have cleaned the tools and put them all away

each one in its proper place    I brought in the linen

from the line    I fed the pets and gave them my love

and I give you my love too    for in the end 

at the finish what else is there to give or receive 

james lee jobe

Pain is not a punishment; pleasure is not a reward.

Pema Chödron

trinity alps -- northern california

a bull moose dancing

you could ask me where I sleep    I sleep here 

among the oaks 

you could ask me what I believe    I believe in everything 

I believe in nothing at all 

did I eat the bitter root    yes    it tasted awful    like death 

but I chewed and I swallowed 

and did the animal power appear    yes    I am a bull moose  

dancing around the small fire 

I am something more than a man    no    I am nothing 

a grain of sand in the desert 

I am finite and infinite    a part of the one    the void 

and so are you    eat the bitter root 

sleep here among the oaks 

let the danger set you free 

james lee jobe

Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.

Lao Tzu

What we think of as our “self” is shaped by our time, our culture, and our circumstances.

Judith Hertog

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