
old books holding down loose papers


John Gooday

hot and silent 


no sign of even one bird 

no dog barks in the distance 

i cannot hear any traffic 

the sky lacks clouds 

i stop walking 

and stand perfectly still 

my breath 

my heartbeat 

nothing more in all of the universe


Heavy is the shadow, heavy is the sunset.

Long thoughts that weigh heavy on the soul,

Like old books holding down loose papers on a windy day,

Like old men holding down the young

To 'teach them their place,'

Like the rich holding down the poor.

The sun goes down so slowly.

Tell me, how much grace will I need to get through this life?


May we cease taking from creation more than we put in.


well after dark with no moon yet 

and I’m taking my doggo outside 

when from somewhere close 

in the darkness of the pine trees 

an owl hoots no doubt saying hello 

so I answer “yes friend 

we are indeed in this together”  



james lee jobe 

Isabelle Pruneau

May all beings have happy minds.

Karaniya Metta Sutta


In the never-ending sound of water, you will always find the Buddha.
Taneda Santoka


Anything that can be lost was never truly ours, anything that we cling to only imprisons us. 

Jack Kornfield


I have no country to fight for; my country is the earth; I am a citizen of the world. 

Eugene V. Debs


 There is no flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people. 

Howard Zinn

Stephen Stills - So Begins The Task 

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Thanks, jlj 

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