
in the form of the Buddha


"If you don't need a new technique,
then what you're saying probably isn't new."  

Philip Glass

The Sierra Nevada Mountains    

The eastern wall of the Sacramento Valley 

Dates back to the Paleozoic

Now that’s a lot older than this valley oak

I am sitting under   

200 hundred million years against maybe 80 years   

But still this old oak feels just as timeless to me

How deep are these roots 

How deep are mine

Some of my son’s ashes rest in this valley

Passing time like this oak 

And in time my own ashes will join them

That’s life


The mountains 

The valley

Life goes on

James Lee Jobe

“I said to the sun, ‘Tell me about the big bang.’
The sun said, ‘It hurts to become.’"

Andrea Gibson

Sonny Rollins - Strode Rode

When confronted with darkness, walk straight in.
The light isn't behind you, don't turn around,
It's on the other side.

James Lee Jobe 

The Sacramento River, California

In the end these poems and prose poems return to silence.
Silence is the beginning and the end.

James Lee Jobe

"Everything around us has the opportunity
and the capacity to appear in the form of the Buddha." 

Satya Robyn

I believe that I feel so at home in this valley
Because there is also a valley in me
A long and wide flat land within
That I can develop or not develop
As I choose, so let me now spend
Whatever days I have left
Filling this valley with life

James Lee Jobe

Flip phone selfie, 2008 or so

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Thanks, JLJ 

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