
Hold on to hope.

Good work finds the way between pride and despair.

Wendell Berry

A star in the east
A child is born
And also hope is born
And reborn
We humans have many faiths
Many beliefs
Whatever yours might be
Or not be
Hold on to hope
Keep hope alive

James Lee Jobe

We have to walk in a way that we only print peace and serenity on the earth. Walk as if you are kissing the earth with your feet.

Thich Nhat Hanh

The Grateful Dead - Casey Jones

Spring returns to my valley
With green plants and blue skies
A flowering begins
Almost as if life here
Is following an invisible schedule
And so it is
And so are we

James Lee Jobe

There is a time to live and a time to die but never to reject the moment.

Lao Tzu

Huge, flat, long, and wide 

Often the Sacramento Valley 

Seems much lonelier than I ever am

Even though as I write this 

I am in a corner of the valley 

Totally alone

James Lee Jobe

The nature of the mind is emptiness, the unified state of being both cognizant and empty.

Chokyi Nyima Rinpoche

My prayer today is for all the refugees trying to escape danger and hard lives. May they find their way here to safety. May the racists and nationalists find it in their hearts to let them in.

James Lee Jobe

No person is your friend who demands your silence, or denies your right to grow.

Alice Walker

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