
to be reborn in the skin of a dog

"Reality has no inside, outside, or middle part." 


a prayer in a-minor that makes the broken dogs whimper

may the sound of your flapping feet on the wet concrete 

bring you closer to the water    closer to your baptism 

and closer to those things which you name as your gods 

may the valley heat release you from your long sentence 

that the cell door will open and these dry flat lands will burst 

into bloom    into brightly colored wildflowers 

into the glory that is like heaven    like dreams 

may you be reborn in the skin of a dog that runs wild 

along the riverbank    untamed by time or circumstance 

may angels bless you through the soft spot on the top 

of your head and having done so may they bless 

all of the others as well    one head at a time 

no you will not whimper    no you will not beg 

you can release all the yesterdays from the wounds 

on your soul and you will not think poorly of tomorrow 

there is this    now    the present moment    this is where 

you live and this is where you love    may it be so 


james lee jobe

becoming a grandfather with feathers on the wings of breathing smooth and new 

this love sails from island to island on a white catamaran 

flying a pale blue flag 

on every shore more seeds are planted with care 

and with fine hopes 

this sea has been marked by our passage 

and sea birds with sleek feathers offer breath to the sky 

and also to the sun 

the islands are green and rich    tropical 

and loved by the small one    the grandchild 

the sea birds and the tide come when she calls 

and so do I    friend    so do I 

james lee jobe

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