
moist and loved by the universe

But do not ask me where I am going,

As I travel in this limitless world,

Where every step I take is my home.

-Dōgen Zenji

past the buoy and into the deep

who are we    it seems that 

our time left on this orb has grown somewhat thin 

like tin    like paper 

we live these tumble-down lives on a wire 

razor-sharp and easily broken 

from across the rooftops the sound of a church bell tolling 

at our feet a broken sidewalk with persistent weeds 

sprouting through the cracks 

who are we    why do we need names 

we walk down to the beach    remove our clothes 

and wade out into the cold green water 

we are humans and so there are testicles and breasts 

penises and vaginas  

all splashed by the waves of the incoming tide 

and then finally hidden beneath the salt water 

now we are swimming out toward the buoy 

and the ocean seems a part of our bodies 

schools of fish live inside of us

and the whales of our souls leap 

and jump 

breaking the surface of our humanity 

who are we    is there a plan to this 

or just chaos to embrace or endure 

we both know and don't know 

accept and deny 

live and yet fail to live fully 

the bell on the buoy tolls in time with the church bell 

the wire of this tumble-down life is getting thinner still 

razor-sharp     yes 

but broken now like our time 

and then we are past the buoy and into the deep 

james lee jobe

late afternoon our clothes fall to the floor and we leave them there 

something begins with your lips like stones

like wonder     with the crops in the field

touching the lowest face of the summer sky 

and that which has begun 

moves your lips to mine

moist and loved by the universe 

and the heat of the sun

the way that the crops move from the soil 

to the air    reaching up    reaching up

my hands on your body bring the afternoon to life

and I trace the length of you with a touch

something has indeed begun    your lips and your body 

stones    wonder    the growing crops 

kiss and caress    and again 

-james lee jobe

Sound of mountain

sound of ocean

everywhere spring rain

-Soen Nakagawa

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