
I sometimes still feel young

you arrive without moving so much as a foot. you speak without opening your mouth. you do not open your eyes, and yet you see it all. even though you lead the way, friend, you also follow. like death follows life. like day follows night and night follows day. like the world circling the sun while the moon circles the world, the craft of science, the craft of life. 

james lee jobe 

--by William Stafford 

My family slept those level miles
but like a bell rung deep till dawn
I drove down an aisle of sound,
nothing real but in the bell,
past the town where I was born.

Once you cross a land like that
you own your face more: what the light
struck told a self; every rock
denied all the rest of the world.
We stopped at Sharon Springs and ate--

My state still dark, my dream too long to tell.

awake way past midnight

through the long night the starlight
lays soft across the window
is it any wonder that in my heart
I sometimes still feel young

james lee jobe

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