
finding the courage


the lone hunter stalking the lone deer

just past sunrise

the sound of a footstep snapping a twig

james lee jobe

Denva Whiting


“under the stars, the face of night whose voice is fading”

georg trakl

dreams and trees, milk and honey, the scythe slicing through silk, through wheat, and through all unreasonable expectations. silver and gold, filtered with rubies and the wetness of love, filtered with diamonds, and with the smells and flavors of sex. togetherness. these are the ways that the humans find themselves, the ways that they find each other, for night is here, night and silence, and now they might hold one another until day returns, if only they can find the courage.

james lee jobe

note: the line from trakl, a favorite poet for me, was the prompt used here.


You are not small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.



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