homage to frederick kiesler, by robert rauschenberg
Offer your heart to heal their wounds, to fade their scars.
Open the borders, open your house,
open your life to them - I will open mine.
Share the food, share the medicine, share the earth.
Immigrants, pilgrims. Their load is heavy,
and their souls are so weary.
What little they own, they carry with them,
and their dead have been left behind.
Will you not stand and be counted?
Will you not help to push open the iron door?
james lee jobe
Emptiness is bound to bloom, like hundreds of grasses blossoming.
Dōgen Zenji
Washed and stir-fried with green beans.
Turning the soil in the garden, there was a surprise; some forgotten white radishes. Washed and stir-fried with green beans, onion, and asparagus, dusted with fresh ground pepper, dinner had an extra blessing tonight. A little gift from the earth. Isn't life wonderful?
james lee jobe
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you arrive without moving so much as a foot. you speak without opening your mouth. you do not open your eyes, and yet you see it all. even though you lead the way, friend, you also follow. like death follows life. like day follows night and night follows day. like the world circling the sun while the moon circles the world, the craft of science, the craft of life.
james lee jobe
--by William Stafford
My family slept those level miles
but like a bell rung deep till dawn
I drove down an aisle of sound,
nothing real but in the bell,
past the town where I was born.
Once you cross a land like that
you own your face more: what the light
struck told a self; every rock
denied all the rest of the world.
We stopped at Sharon Springs and ate--
My state still dark, my dream too long to tell.
awake way past midnight
through the long night the starlight
lays soft across the window
is it any wonder that in my heart
I sometimes still feel young
james lee jobe
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Pain is not a punishment; pleasure is not a reward.
Pema Chödrön
imagine a hermit who sleeps in daytime and stays awake all night
there is a hermit that is in love with the blue light of the moon in love with the diamonds of the stars and in love with those footprints that deer leave in the snow
high up on the mountain the nights pass like years and the years pass like centuries
the sun sets the moon rises and an old man strokes his long white beard as he gets up from his worn out mat time is his blanket
now compare your life to his what do you love like he loves the moonlight
james lee jobe
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handle a large kingdom with as gentle a touch as if you were cooking a small fish. -lao tzu
this nakedness: there is a realness to it. the mystery is solved. at last. crooked nights when it was long in our thoughts. quiet days when the mind was empty and you think of the body of the other. what to touch, what to taste. a sacred thing, the act of it. and now the kingdom is offered to you, and you, in turn, offer up a kingdom as well. the dye is cast. the rose is tossed. the mind is empty and the kingdoms are surrendered. nakedness. nothingness. every beginning is new.
james lee jobe
An awake heart is like a sky that pours light.
I choose to believe. I don't care what you do.
why are the rivers and seas lords of the waters? -lao tzu
the sea? the sea does exactly what it wants. you know that. the river is subtle, changing course once in a while on a whim.
my eyes are blue seas, not a river. (I just had to say that.) great white sharks are circling, so swim at your own risk.
is there hope? of course there is. faith has been left up to us. I choose to believe. I don't care what you do. It's a funny life.
why are the rivers and seas lords of the waters? why are the mountains and hills lords of the land?
everyone and everything needs someone or something that they can look up to.
I look up at the birds when they fly, but by god, when they walk they look up at me.
james lee jobe
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those who would take over the earth and shape it to their will never, I notice, succeed. -lao tzu
I am eating a fine, red pear, perfectly ripe, while the fascists decide how many socks a person may own, and if everyone must pray kneeling or standing. soon, all the men will part their hair on the same side. soon, they will announce when the women should all be pregnant. everyone will wear the same uniform and be punctual. I am eating a fine, red pear, perfectly ripe, while some white men raise a flag that looks like a dollar bill. next the money flag will be behind the altar with jesus. eventually the money will suffocate them, or perhaps jesus will toss out the money-changers again. I am eating a fine, red pear, perfectly ripe, it is delicious, and I slice off bite after bite with a pocket knife. taste buds. they're a marvelous thing, aren't they? so is having a choice.
james lee jobe
Always hold true to your own perception. Your own self is your main teacher.
Jeff Bridges
Banksy, street art
the surrendering of the kingdom.
handle a large kingdom with as gentle a touch as if you were cooking a small fish. -lao tzu
this nakedness: there is a realness to it. the mystery is solved. at last. crooked nights when it was long in our thoughts. quiet days when the mind was empty and you think of the body of the other. what to touch, what to taste. a sacred thing, the act of it. and now the kingdom is offered to you, and you, in turn, offer up a kingdom as well. the dye is cast. the rose is tossed. the mind is empty and the kingdoms are surrendered. nakedness. nothingness. every beginning is new.
james lee jobe
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for a tall boat, the bridge rises up shape-shifting into a huge letter H. traffic stands by like children waiting for the ice cream on a hot summer evening. the children are excited, the boat slides past. the letter H has once again mastered the wide river, swift and cold and powerful.
james lee jobe
With no underrobes,
bare butt suddenly exposed--
a gust of spring wind
Buson (1715-1783)
Robert Rauschenberg
rain on the roof
an emptiness that lasts until tomorrow and then some
a kind of silence that can be carried around in a cup
inside the house a man and a woman move in quiet rooms
they are whispers of themselves
of who they once were
the house is rather dark
there is more shadow than light
the rain lasts far into the night
james lee jobe
Bodhisattva Prayer for Humanity
May I be a guard for those who need protection
A guide for those on the path
A boat, a raft, a bridge for those who wish to cross the flood
May I be a lamp in the darkness
A resting place for the weary
A healing medicine for all who are sick
A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles
And for the boundless multitudes of living beings
May I bring sustenance and awakening
Enduring like the earth and sky
Until all beings are freed from sorrow
And all are awakened.
Shantideva, Indian Buddhist sage 700 A.D.
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"death you missed me again" I was thinking this as I peeled myself up off of the street after the bike crash both wrists and one elbow twisted and sprained the other elbow fractured one knee busted but not my head and not my spine the summer sun lit up the green in the oak trees and across the street some kids played baseball in the park a lovely day "I'm counting this one as a win" I said wiggling my fingers and hands to see if anything there was broken it hurt like hell but I laughed a few times as I slowly pedaled home
-james lee jobe
What wisdom can you find that is greater than kindness?
Jean Jacques Rousseau
I go to sleep early and wake after midnight, wanting the feel of fresh air. Outside, clouds cover the moon like a child that is hiding a precious toy. Standing there, I consider my life. Have I done anything that was worth doing? I know who I am, but does anyone else know me? An owl nearby seems to agree, asking me, “Who?” “James,” I answer, and turn to go inside.
james lee jobe
When hungry, eat your rice; when tired close your eyes. Fools may laugh at me, but wise men will know what I mean.
-Linji Yixuan
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you say you are a poet because the moon was in cancer on the night your poor old momma squirted you out but I call bullshit as what makes you a poet is writing poems forever even when you are ancient and long in years and decades with the reading lamp shining on your gray hair
james lee jobe
hello are you now on the path you have always wanted to walk is there still kindness in your skin in the part of your hair when you sleep are the dreams more real than waking life and what of the feel of steel the kiss of wood on your face that ache in the small of your back that ache in your knees is that where you whisper your true name the name from your very first day will you whisper it again right now to me
james lee jobe
louie 'satchmo' armstrong & one of his 4 wives - in egypt
The day you die is just like any other, only shorter.
Samuel Beckett
how old is my valley millions of years I suppose
how old is my iris just a few weeks
one grows from the other time means nothing
life goes on with us or without us
james lee jobe
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day is over night has dropped its blanket over the cool damp earth time is nothing just mist on the field that is left for grazing time is silence a road with no traffic and no end emptiness a darkness with no rules and no reward the flower moon rises spring is passing by
james lee jobe
There is nothing you can see that is not a flower; there is nothing you can think that is not the moon.
Matsuo Bashō
manifest destinyfathers who scattered seed and left no fields fallow guns and slavery mothers who rose before dawn and cut wood as well as any man children who knew work the way stars know clouds from looking down generations of labor sweat and early death rape and genocide the woods gave way to axe and fire beasts and natives died for the greed and want of the settlers a land exhausted rivers polluted people jaded my country 'tis of thee sweet land of liberty for some just for some
james lee jobe
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you wanted to go home whatever that means so you asked the strangers who only exist in your dreams how to go home you got a variety of directions and instructions none of which worked when you finally found a way home it wasn't home anymore what changed you did of course listen home is not an address it's in your mind and heart what's wrong with where you are right now
james lee jobe
bamboo ticking in wind speaks
in dark isolate rooms I listen
demons and gods fill my frail ears
so blurred and faint
I can't tell them apart
year-end leaves dry rain falling
autumn clothes
thin cloud
my sick bones slice through things
though my bitter chant
still makes a poem
I'm withering autumn ruin
strength following twilight away
trailed out
this fluttering thread of life
no use saying it's tethered
to the very source
of earth's life-bringing change.
-Meng Chiao 751-814 CE
I have no desire to humiliate our political leaders I just feel the need to correct them on everything very loudly and on television with political poems or even just with this one
james lee jobe
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